An accomplished tennis professional residing in Chicago, Roger Clarke provides tennis instruction through Hinsdale Racquet Club and LaGrange Country Club. Alongside guiding his students' growth in the sport and helping them develop their character in the process, Roger Clarke supports organizations such as Catholic Charities of Chicago.
Offering a diverse range of services through 153 programs, Catholic Charities of Chicago serves over a million people each year. In order to support its programs, the organization relies on the generosity of donors and its annual fundraising events, such as its Nite at the Net.
The 2018 Nite at the Net brought in almost $112,000, which went to the Catholic Charities Neighbors in Need Fund, created to supply items such as food, clothing, and electricity to those in emergency situations. Hosted once again by the Hinsdale Racquet Club and prepared by its staff members, the event featured guests such as Joel Quenneville, the coach of the Blackhawks. Eric Ferguson from WTMX served as the emcee.
After another successful year of fundraising with Nite at the Net Catholic Charities has decided to hold the event again next year, recasting it with a fresh look in 2020.